About OAA

Open Access Asia

Open Access Asia (OAA) is a united movement of collective minds and communities responding to the growing threat of predatory journals and publishers in the scholarly publishing landscape, particularly within Asia. These deceptive entities exploit researchers by luring them to submit valuable manuscripts and charging excessive fees for open-access publication. They often fail to provide the rigorous peer review and editorial standards upheld by legitimate journals.

Recognizing the significant impact of this issue, Open Access Asia is dedicated to bringing together a broad coalition of stakeholders, including academic institutions, publishers, and researchers, to develop a comprehensive plan that enables researchers to publish their work in reputable open-access journals confidently. By working together, we aim to raise awareness about predatory practices, set high standards for scholarly publishing, and provide resources to help identify and avoid predatory journals. This collaborative effort is essential to protecting the quality and credibility of academic research and ensuring that valuable scientific findings are shared through ethical and trustworthy channels. Let us join forces to safeguard the future of scholarly publishing in Asia.

Action Plan

Addressing the challenge of predatory journals and publishers in Asia requires a collaborative and actionable multi-stakeholder plan to combat the issue of predatory publishing in Asia:

  1. Launch awareness campaigns targeting researchers, academics, and institutions to educate them about the risks and characteristics of predatory journals. 
  2. Collaborate with academic and professional organizations to explore strategies for identifying accredited and reputable open-access journals in Asia.
  3. Develop new Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to verify open-access journals' adherence to claimed peer review standards and policies.
  4. Create and distribute comprehensive guides, checklists, and tools to aid researchers in identifying and avoiding predatory journals.
  5. Partner with universities, research institutions, and funding bodies to develop policies that discourage submissions to predatory journals.
  6. Establish a reporting mechanism for researchers and institutions to report suspicious journals and publishers. Investigate these reports thoroughly and take appropriate actions, including publicizing findings and blacklisting predatory entities.
  7. Conduct research on the prevalence and impact of predatory journals in Asia. Use this data to shape policy decisions and customize interventions to address the specific needs and challenges within the region.
  8. Collaborate with international organizations and initiatives addressing predatory publishing. Share knowledge, resources, and strategies to create a unified global effort against this issue.
  9. Review and strengthen the Retraction process to ensure it effectively addresses issues related to predatory publishing.

Implementing these actions will effectively mitigate the threat posed by predatory journals and publishers, safeguarding the integrity and credibility of scholarly research in the region.

Consensus Statement

The Signatories of the Open Access Asia (OAA) campaign have agreed on a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder Action Plan to combat the problem of predatory publishers and journals. By adopting this consensus statement, we, the policymakers, affirm our commitment to preserving the quality and reliability of scholarly research. We call upon the entire scholarly community to join us in this critical endeavor, ensuring that academic work is conducted and disseminated with the highest standards of integrity and excellence.

Together, we can safeguard the future of scholarly publishing in Asia!